Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Shimoda Mall in Misawa

Okay. We can't stay out of the arcade. So we went the mall. Not really, I just wanted to go. But we always end up in the arcade.

It was such a pretty day. This is the top parking garage.

I won this one *mostly* by myself. >.> This is my guilty but pleased face. 

This is before this Evangelion figure came out of the machine by sheer will and many 100 yen coins. The thing about 100 yen coins? They look like quarters. Too easy to spend. 

 Here is after my awesome skill. 

Aaannd a Gundam figure, if you're into that sort of thing. Bear is. 

After victories, we celebrated at Mister Donut. The best donuts. Ever. In the entire history of donuts. You don't believe me, but if you tasted, you would. Also, one is Hello Kitty shaped. It has a little bow and everything. 

But. If you ever do have Mister Donut, do not under any circumstances be fooled by this seemingly innocent looking donut. Looks like coconut and caramel? It's not. It's curry. And it's a big kick in the mouth when you're expecting caramel. Ask Bear.

All in all Shimoda is a pretty good mall. I'm sure I'll have more posts to come about it.

Happy travels!

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