Sunday, June 30, 2013

I was trying to gather the dragon balls for a friend.

But I failed you Carlito.

Arcades in Japan continue to kick ass. 

So do the vending machines.
Found these gems last night.

Oh yes, my friends. Those are tighty-whities for your phone. And I have a pair. (Thats actually Bear's phone.) 200 yen in the vending machine.

This shitty picture is of a tiny, tiny mini mobile suit. It turns into...
Also 200 yen.

As usual, we went to the toy section upstairs by the arcade. 

Squees all around. Sleeping Pikachu is my favorite.

And, I got a whole new crap-ton of magazines. And a catalog.

Another one of my favorite things about Japan are catalogs. Lots of brands put out seasonal catalogs right next to the magazines. Theres something satisfying and fun about a catalog to flip through, rather than shopping online. (Or even in a store.)

Tonight I'm going after some Paul & Joe cosmetics I've had my little eye on.

Happy travels.

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