Friday, July 5, 2013

Aomori in a day. Part 1:The Drive.

I had a super fun 4th of July holiday.

Bear, his friends, and I took a little road trip to Aomori the city. (Aomori is also the prefecture.)

It took us about 2 hours going the scenic route. If you were to take the toll road it's about $30.00 and it's quite a bit faster.

We decided to take it easy and go through the mountains.

It was beautiful. By far, it was the most peaceful, beautiful landscape I have ever seen.

If you want to travel from Misawa to Aomori, definitely do it. It's not a long drive and it would have been worth it just to take pictures and take in the country side. Japan is beautiful, and if you are here to en extended period of time, be adventurous and explore!

We had such an eventful day, and there is way too much for this one post, so next post will be Part 2: The Aquarium!

Happy travels.

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